1 February 2022

Either You’re With Us or…

One thing you can bank on is that the Washington establishment and their stenographers in the media will always disparage and lie about the nation’s official enemies.  I like to call them “Designated Enemies “ because they really is no rational reason why these nations should be opposed by the US, the government just decides they are.  We can explore the real reasons later.  For now, the list includes: Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The excellent journal New Eastern Outlook, Brian Berletic notes a current example. 

“The West’s propaganda campaign against China is attempting to convince the world that Beijing and its policies pose a global threat. China is accused of everything from presenting an outright military threat to its neighbors and the world, to sinisterly trapping nations in debt for infrastructure projects the West insists are unnecessary in the first place…

However, the West’s war of words is not adding up with the reality on the ground. No example could make this clearer than the progress made with the China-Laos-Thailand high-speed railway.

Articles across the Western media have focused on debt incurred building the railway and the “influence” Beijing is suspected of seeking through financing and constructing the railway. Missing from the commentary was mention of what the US did with its own window of opportunity spanning a period of time between the end of World War 2 and the turn of the century where it exercised significant influence over the region.

Rather than build essential infrastructure for Laos and other Southeast Asian nations – the United States saturated the region with war and political instability for decades.”

Not only is this an example of Western propaganda, it exposes the twisted logic of American foreign policy since the end of World War II.

Apartheid Lives On

The Palestine Chronicle celebrates a new report. “Amnesty International’s new investigation shows that Israel imposes a system of oppression and domination against Palestinians across all areas under its control: in Israel and the OPT, and against Palestinian refugees, in order to benefit Jewish Israelis. This amounts to apartheid as prohibited in international law.” 

You can read the full report here.  It is long past time for the US to use it’s leverage to force an end to this oppression and work for real democracy in occupied Palestine.

Hypocrisy Lives On As Well

The Biden Administration is so concerned about women’s rights in Afghanistan and Muslims in Xinjiang, as we hear often.  Watch this very disturbing interview by Rania Khalek from Breakthrough News about war crimes in the Ethiopian civil war and take a wild guess which side the US supports. 


I’ll stop here but I hope you see from these stories why I have started this blog.  Comments and suggestions (intelligent ones) are welcomed. 


Here is the most cogent analysis I’ve read lately on the pandemic.

  • Stephen Gowans notes on his blog that “Shoe leather epidemiology—the basic, hard labor of tracking down infected individuals, tracing their contacts, and herding them into quarantine—is the unsung labor of public servants. On the other hand, vaccine production can be quickly and easily made a private sector activity, one offering a rich banquet of profits on which investors—Washington’s principal clients—can gorge.”


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